Asset Class Report: RETAIL

Asset Class Report: RETAIL

THE RETAIL SECTOR was already steeped in transformational shakeout prior to the pandemic, rightsizing to how shopping is done in an increasingly digital economy. In what has already been a decade-long process, most analysts thought it would be a decade more before we...

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Asset Class Report: OFFICE

Asset Class Report: OFFICE

As the pandemic sent corporate America from boardrooms to bedrooms in 2020, long-held assumptions about productivity are now rightfully up for debate. On one side of the spectrum are those that argue that office spaces facilitate an agglomeration of ideas, culture,...

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Asset Class Report: MULTIFAMILY

Asset Class Report: MULTIFAMILY

Aside from “location, location, location,” the most cliché phrase in real estate may be “people will always need somewhere to live.” Its overuse is a symptom of its accuracy. The Multifamily sector had every excuse available to post a down year in 2021, yet its...

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